Concurrent Designs Behavioral Intervention Research: Designing, Evaluating, and Implementing
Table Of Content Independent Measures Maturation Dimension of complexity Extraneous variables (EV) Threats to Internal Validity in Multiple-Baseline Design Variations The Benefits of Repeated Measures Designs A Second Methodological Criticism of Nonconcurrent Designs: Prediction, Verification, Replication Watson and Workman did not explicitly address threats to internal validity other than coincidental events. Recognizing these three dimensions of lag has implications for reporting multiple baseline designs. The vast majority of contemporary published multiple baseline designs describe the timing of phases in terms of sessions rather than days or dates. This provides clear information about the number of sessions that precede the phase change in each tier, and therefore constitutes a strong basis for controlling the threat of testing and session experience. Independent Measures That is, if the baseline survey data are analyzed, and then the participants sampled based on finding...